Trenton Branch
Trenton and District meets 10 times a year in several venues in the surrounding area. Our regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month.
Our membership is open to any qualified teacher who is retired and pays the annual fee. This year Trenton and District’s fee is $40. plus a $5. social fee. An invitation is published monthly 1 week before our meeting in the local Community Press. It is also posted on our Facebook page.
Contact Information
It is the policy of RWTO/OERO that the following honours may be bestowed on branches and their members.
Trenton and District provided 32 bags of items for the Youthab in Belleville and Trenton. The items included personal care items, books, writing material, gift cards and winter clothing items. Our mattress making interest group also made 6 mats for their comfort as many live in door ways and under bridges.