RWTO/OERO 65th Convention 2021 Program

Details are still being finalized regarding AGM discussions and voting procedures. In order to keep informed, please check emails and the RWTO/OERO website on a regular basis.

Events for Delegates (Blue)

Open Events (Red)

Tuesday June 1, 2021


RWTO/OERO Virtual Song / Keynote Address – Nancy Papiez

Annual General Meeting (AGM)


(Workshops will be available to all members on the Website after the Convention)

Cooking Demonstration – Judy Drummond

“Strawberry Season!” I will be assembling 3 delicious strawberry desserts and conclude with my favourite appetizers. Recipes will be included in the workshop.

The Hospital and Home Care Claim Form Workshop – Terry Kennedy

The Hospital and Home Care Claim Form Workshop is an overview of the claim form; how to complete it; when to complete it; with tips to ensure members receive all the benefits they are entitled to.

Treasurer’s Workshop – Linda Huffman

The Treasurers Workshop will be composed of a Power Point presentation covering Dues Remittance in Excel and PDF, how to complete a Bank Reconciliation and preparation of Branch Income and Expense Statements.

Using Colour Coding to Enhance Genealogy Research – Jan Murdoch

Take advantage of a universal colour coding system to label everything. It saves time and helps you stay organized. It makes for more successful researching, especially when you are examining new DNA connections or trying to break down a Brick wall.

Wander Food and Wine – Stephanie Piché

Chef, Cooking instructor, wine educator, travel presenter, food writer and blogger, Stephanie Piché with grace and panache will share her insight and knowledge in pairing Canadian wines and cheeses.

Let’s Do PR – Hope Leon

“Let’s Do PR” is a workshop about Public Relations, … what it means,… the “3” easy steps to do PR successfully, … and how we can creatively use it in our RWTO branches to boost membership, amongst other things.


Pizza Night – Enjoy your pizza with live Entertainment by Comedian Joe Pillitteri

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Virtual Tours – Explore a Destination, Plan a Future Adventure

Women, Wine and Fashion- a Virtual Fashion Show by Anne’s on the Avenue


Glamour Evening with
“The Liverpool 4 -Canada’s Beatles Tribute”

Thursday, June 3, 2021


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

1:00 pm

In Memoriam

Over 90 Recognition

Awards Ceremony-Barbara Bain/Feather in Your Hat/Honorary Membership

Closing Ceremonies

Call to Convention 2022

Nancy Bell

Download Convention Program PDF