June Luncheon 2024

July 21,2024 | Belleville

Belleville Branch RWTO summer general meeting was held on June 19, 2024 at Westminster United Church, Wallbridge-Loyalist Road. Members from the Trenton Branch were invited to join us.

During the Social time, cash donations and items were collected for the Gleaners’ Food Bank. Over $1400 was collected. Well done ladies!

Membership packages for the year 2024-25 were distributed. The increase in Provincial fees was explained by out-going president Kay Snedden.

Details of the Area 7 luncheon scheduled for Monday, October 28 was shared with members in the business section of our meeting.

New member pins were presented to Mary Fox and Laurie Watts by Wendy Bryson, incoming president.

Our Provincial President, Jan Murdoch, was our guest at this meeting. She spoke of the new membership and health insurance outlines. Jan stressed the importance of branches having social groups. They keep members connected and provide fun activities between general meetings.

Lynda Sommer, area president, joined Jan Murdoch for the installation of executive officers for 2024-25.

Lunch was served by the church ladies – punch. coffee, tea, cold chicken, various salads, buttered buns. There was a selection of homemade pies.

After Lunch, the guest speaker, Marilyn Lawrie, executive director of the Hastings and Prince Edward Humane Society, gave us an informative talk and virtual tour of new facility. Lots of heart warming stories were enjoyed by all.

Next General meeting will be on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at Emmanuel United Church in Foxboro.


By:- Lynda Rollins