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The Retired Women Teachers of Ontario / Organisation des enseignantes retraitées de l’Ontario Welcome You!
In 1956, a small group of retired women teachers in Toronto got together for the purpose of trying to persuade the government to raise the level of pensions for retired women teachers to the same level as their male colleagues. Their goal would be met some years later, and with it the realization that retired women teachers needed a voice.
Caring & Sharing
Today, the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario / Organisation des enseignantes retraitées de l’Ontario (RWTO/OERO), a not-for-profit social organization, continues to exist because there is still a need for an organization that cares for the interests and well-being of retired women educational professionals. RWTO/OERO now has 46 Branches across the province, where our members come together for social interaction, stimulating programs, emotional support and most of all, friendship.
If you are a retired woman teacher, educational assistant, early childhood educator, child & youth worker/counsellor, audiologist, office support staff, psychologist, social worker, or speech and language pathologist who was employed by a Board of Education, private school, college or university from any part of the world, at any time during your career, we invite you to join RWTO/OERO. You are welcome regardless of your personal qualifications, the level of education or length of time you were employed, or whether or not you are collecting a job-related pension. Our organization offers many benefits: the opportunity to network, maintain or develop new friendships, and enjoy camaraderie, along with the opportunity to participate in various insurance plans which are available to our members.
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