South Bruce Branch
Welcome to the RWTO South Bruce Branch
South Bruce Branch has approximately 50 members which includes four life members. Although small in number, we continue to care and share while having fun. We invite retired women teachers from Kincardine, Walkerton, Hanover, Port Elgin, Southampton, Paisley and Ripley or surrounding areas to join our branch.
We generally meet five times each year. Two lunches and a Christmas tea at different venues throughout the area involve a business meeting conducted before the meal followed by some form of program: an inspirational speaker, a healthcare specialist or perhaps a craft making session. We also enjoy gathering informally for a back-to-school breakfast in early September and a year-end potluck meal in June.
At each of our meetings we have a raffle, book exchange and/or we accept donations to local food banks.
Contact Information
Upcoming Events
Click on the Event Title to access information about the event
Branch Newsletter
Click on the Newsletter Title to download the corresponding PDF File.