Ottawa-Carleton Branch
Welcome to the Ottawa-Carleton Branch of RWTO/OERO!
Ottawa-Carleton is a branch of over 100 members who meet to enjoy the company of other women retirees and planned events and are involved in community outreach. We welcome all former women educators from anywhere to join us. We begin each new year of retirement with a Welcome lunch in September, have a Christmas celebration in December and a Spring Luncheon and AGM in May. Other events may include:
- speakers, presentations and workshops on topics of interest to our members
- visits to area attractions such as art galleries, museums, historical sites, theatre productions
- monthly meetings of our active book club and our very popular Breakfast and Conversation
Members enjoy the “caring and sharing” aspects of the organization, while having fun at the same time.
The Tulip Festival and Winterlude are two of the annual attractions in Ottawa that we enjoy in our area. Come and enjoy the natural beauty of Eastern Ontario!
The annual membership for Ottawa-Carleton Branch for the 2024-2025 year is $60.00 payable no later than September 30, 2024.
Click HERE to check out our Insurance Program.
Contact Information
Upcoming Events
Click on the Event Title to access information about the event
Branch Newsletter
Click on the Newsletter Title to download the corresponding PDF File.
Interest Groups
All dates, times and locations to be announced unless otherwise noted.
Branch Award
Isabel Fawthrop
This award is presented in memory of Isabel Fawthrop to the RWTO/OERO Ottawa/Carleton branch member who, over time, has demonstrated commitment extraordinary dedication and service to our membership.