The Retired Women Teachers of Ontario/Organisation des enseignantes retraitées de l’Ontario organization was formerly known as the Ontario Association of Superannuated Women Teachers (OASWT). It was formed in April 1956 by a small group of retired women teachers in Toronto known as the Rendezvous Club. Their purpose in forming the organization was to persuade the Ontario Government to raise the level of pensions for retired women teachers to the same level as their male colleagues.
Each year a small group, armed with a well-researched brief, met the government officials to lobby for improved pensions. This group of Toronto teachers soon realized that it could present a stronger case to the government if other groups of retired women teachers throughout the province were organized to lend support.
In the following years, many new Branches were formed. In 1967, success was achieved when the government agreed that the minimum pension should be raised to $1200 per year. We have come a long way since then! It was our group which gave rise to the formation of RTO/ERO – the group which represents both retired women and men teachers. This is now the group which continues the dialogue with government on pension matters on behalf of all retired teachers. RWTO/OERO continues to exist because there is still a need for an organization that cares for the special interests and well-being of retired women teachers.
Every retired woman teacher is eligible to become a member of RWTO/OERO no matter in which province or country she taught. The fee for membership is a modest $40.00 per year payable to RWTO/OERO and sent to the local Branch Treasurer.
For more information about the history of RWTO/OERO, click on the links below:
- A Brief History of the Organization (A chronology of significant events)
- Provincial President List
- Locations of Annual Conventions
- 60th Anniversary Song
For further information on your nearest Branch contact:
Provincial Office
Linda Huffman
2736 Twelfth Conc.
Tecumseh, ON N8N 0H9
Phone: 519-979-7030
Toll free: 1-877-607-6696
Also see our HOW TO JOIN form.