Haldimand Branch

Haldimand is a rural county on the Niagara penninsula in southern Ontario, located on the north shore of Lake Erie and on the Grand River. Our largest towns are Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Jarvis and Hagersville.

The Haldimand Branch of RWTO/OERO has over 97 full members and 7 life members.  Our branch has met faithfully for many years at a Spring Luncheon (May), a Fall Luncheon (October) and a Christmas Luncheon (December). each luncheon is held the first Monday of that month.

Contact Information

For more information about the Haldimand Branch please contact:

Anne Mageran-President
Email: rwtohaldimandprez@outlook.com
Kate Head-Treasurer
Email: rwtokhead13@gmail.com
Phone Number: 905 807 9213

Upcoming Events

Click on the Event Title to access information about the event


 It is the policy of RWTO/OERO that the following honours may be bestowed on branches and their members.


The Retired Women Teachers of Ontario (RWTO/OERO) Haldimand Branch make “Caring and Sharing Donations” to Community Groups.