UCE June Luncheon

June 19,2024 | Upper Canada East

On June 19th 46 in the UCE branch braved the heat and humidity to meet at St. John’s Anglican Church in Prescott for their final luncheon before the summer break. We welcomed two guests from the Kingston branch, Betty Jean Kippen and Laraine Clancy as well as the Area 8 Director, Joan Gamble. The church ladies prepared a delicious pork dinner with all the trimmings and served it in their nicely decorated hall. The meeting started at 11 am with Maureen Robertson chairing. We thank her for responding to the call last year and stepping up in the President’s role once again. It was a very productive meeting with reports from our contact ladies and a report from this year’s Convention. The ladies who had birthdays since our April meeting were honoured with carnations. The new Artistic Director and an actor from the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival in Prescott were in attendance and gave examples of parts of The Tempest, one of William Shakespeare’s plays which will be featured at the festival. Their website is STLAWRENCESHAKESPEARE.CA. Check out the plays offered this summer and plan to attend. Many of the ladies went home with special gifts from our gift-sharing time. Congrats to all! UCE has some dedicated ladies who want to see our branch continue, so two lovely ladies have decided to Co-Chair during ’24-’25. Thanks to Sandie Decker and Karen Koivumaki for stepping into the President’s role so that UCE may continue to thrive as a branch of RWTO.
Our next meeting will be September 18th and we’ll be hosting another yearly favourite, “The Quarter Frenzy”. When you’re out and about this summer, I’m sure you’ll find something cute, funny, or yummy to bring for auction. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. The location will be sent out later in August. Have a wonderful, restful, and relaxing summer.

By:- Diana McKendry
Email:- dianamckendry4950@gmail.com