London-Middlesex Branch

Co- Presidents 2022-2024

About Our London-Middlesex Branch

Our Branch is located in the centre of south-west Ontario and is proud of the region’s reputation for excellent Health Services at University Hospital and St Joseph’s Hospital, as well as many medical research centres in the city. London also has an influx of students each fall attending either Western University or Fanshawe College. We are a multi-cultural region with agricultural, technical, social and artistic endeavours within our broad boundary.

Our RWTO Branch has six luncheon meetings each year, held at the Riverbend Golf Clubhouse just north west of Byron in the west end of London. There are three meetings in the fall on the fourth Thursday of September, October and November and three on the fourth Thursday in March, April and an AGM Banquet in May.

In mid-August a Program is published and mailed to all members describing the luncheons’ Speaker and Topic, and each month’s Outreach (for a charitable donation) along with reminders to renew membership for the new year with dues of $45.00 payable by October 31st each year as well as payment for each luncheon at least two weeks in advance of each luncheon so that the correct number of lunches are ordered. The cost for the luncheons may change year to year but for 2023-24 the cost for the September and October luncheons are $30 each and the Christmas Luncheon is $35.00. The March and April Luncheons will cost $45 each. The AGM banquet price has not been determined yet.

When a new member joins they are introduced to members attending the luncheon and welcomed with a carnation and a RWTO pin. Their next luncheon is free as a thankyou for joining.

Regular emails or phone calls are made to all members about upcoming events and activities.

Pre-Covid we had 240 members and an average of 110  attending the luncheons. This year our membership is rebounding to about 230 members and the numbers attending luncheons is rising to 100+ . Approximately 80% of our members attend at least one or more, of the luncheons each year.

If a potential member is interested in joining our Branch, they may wish to contact our Membership Chair, Karen Tierney by email and arrange to attend one of luncheons before making a commitment to join. If so, you will likely meet former colleagues from one of our local school boards, or private schools and definitely meet new friendly acquaintances.

Once a year a newsletter, Chalktalk is published at the beginning of February and emailed to members with an email address and a paper copy is mailed to about 40 members without access to email. The newsletter describes all the activities of our Branch that have taken place in the previous calendar year which is useful for potential members to read as well as members who were unable to attend some of our meetings and activities.

London-Middlesex Interest Groups Information

Payment for Membership may be made in cash, by cheque (payable to RWTO London-Middlesex), or by e-transfer. If a luncheon has been paid for in advance, a cancellation with a refund request, must be received by Jane Williams-Treasurer, ( ) two weeks in advance of the Luncheon date.

Contact Information

For more information about the London-Middlesex Branch please contact:

Mary Maxwell -Co-President
Linda Freeman-Co-President
Karen Tierney-Membership
Jane Williams-Treasurer

Upcoming Events

Click on the Event Title to access information about the event

Branch Newsletter

Click on the Newsletter Title to download the corresponding PDF File.


It is the policy of RWTO/OERO that the following honours may be bestowed on branches and their members.


Our Branch supports local charities by collecting goods or cash/cheque donations at the luncheon meetings. The executive reviews the list every year and may make some changes to ensure it reflects the changing needs of London & Middlesex.

Click here to learn more about our charities.