Hamilton-Wentworth Branch

RWTO/OERO Hamilton-Wentworth Branch is a vibrant social club of 250 area retired women educational professionals, just one of the 46 branches located across the province. Our members are former Public, Catholic, and Private School educational professionals from the elementary and secondary panels as well as post-secondary educators. At this time, our members include former teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, and child & youth counsellors/workers who were employed by Boards of Education, private schools, or colleges & universities in Canada or other areas of the world, at any point in their careers. They may join whether or not they have a pension plan and may have their health care plans with other organizations.

We gather to enjoy the company of other retirees, excellent programs and community involvement. With 4 annual luncheons, numerous special events, and 17 Interest Groups (including 3 Book Clubs and 2 Euchre Groups), our members are actively engaged in activities whenever they wish to be. Attendance is on a “come when you can” basis – for as retirees, we often lead active lives, including family, friends, faith, community and travel. In our more senior years, our organization provides newsletters, and occasional visits, gifts and cards, in keeping with our motto of “Caring and Sharing”.

For the ‘23-’24 season our membership fee is $60 – just $5 a month! Some interest activity groups are free, others have costs for materials, activities, or dining. Special events and luncheons are pay as you go.

Would you like to try out some of our activities and interest groups before joining? That can be arranged! Why not invite a retired woman educational professional friend to come with you!

Click here to see our Interest Groups.

Contact Information

For more information about the Hamilton-Wentworth Branch please contact:

Ann Louise Gloyn - President
Email: rwto.annlouise@gmail.com
Jennie Robson - Membership
Email: jennierobson4@icloud.com

Upcoming Events

Click on the Event Title to access information about the event

Branch Newsletter

Click on the Newsletter Title to download the corresponding PDF File.


It is the policy of RWTO/OERO that the following honours may be bestowed on branches and their members.


In keeping with RWTO’s ‘Caring and Sharing’ motto, the Hamilton-Wentworth Branch has established a ‘Special Outreach Project’. Once a year, a deserving local person or cause, submitted by one of our members, will receive a one-time donation of $500 to help offset their financial needs. The donation will be presented privately, and will be announced at the Friendship Luncheon and in a newsletter.